One in Eight experience Food Insecurity in Clarksville

For over 40 years, Loaves & Fishes has stood in the gap to provide the very basic necessity of food to the hungry in our community. We rescue tons of food from grocery stores, restaurants and individuals to provide hot and nutritious meals every day.

A Logistical Waste of Food

In America, there is more than enough food. The problem is collection, storage, preparation and distribution.

A Stewardship Solution

Our model is simple. We engage grocery stores, farmers, restaurants and individuals. We rescue food that has a seasonal rotation, is nearing expiration, or is overstocked. We collect it, do a magical pantry cooking process, and enlist a small battalion of volunteers to prepare and serve it in our centrally located dining facility.

Committed To The Clarksville - Montgomery County Community

Continuing To Be a Catalyst For Change

Here's How You Can Get Involved

Clarksville Community Resources

Loaves & Fishes exists to serve the hungry in Clarksville. We serve hot meals Monday-Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If you are hungry, we will feed you.

In addition to our services, we have compiled a list of community organizations and resources available to those in need. It’s important to note that while we aim to provide accurate information, inclusion in this list does not constitute an endorsement, and we encourage individuals to verify the resources before visiting.

Urban Ministries

ADDRESS: 217 South Third Street, Clarksville, TN
PHONE: 931-648-9090

Food Pantry, Housing Assistance, Clothes Closet

Old Firehouse Day Shelter

ADDRESS: 1498 Golf Club Lane, Clarksville, TN
PHONE: 931-542-0381

Homeless Services include Counseling referrals, Hot Meals

Manna Cafe Ministries

ADDRESS: 605 Providence Blvd, Clarksville, TN
PHONE: 931-933-0970

Assistance w/ Food, Housing, Employment, Hot Meals, Clothing, Blankets, Personal Hygiene

YAIPak Outreach

ADDRESS: 1255 Paradise Hill Rd., Ste A, Clarksville, TN 37040
PHONE: 615-559-8272

Food, Clothing, Personal Care, Furniture, HH Items

Birthday Celebration at Loaves & Fishes

Loaves & Fishes is celebrating 41 years of providing hot meals to the hungry in Clarksville.

Our Partners

Everyone can have a role in our crusade to end hunger in Clarksville